There are many good sources for accurate drug information. The National Institute On Drug Abuse (NIDA) is one of my favorite websites that does a great job of showing current, accurate information. Here is a sample page from the site.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Healthy Lifestyles 8 Health Hit 3
As we discussed yesterday, many drugs are marketed for medicinal purposes & eventually are outlawed. Here is an interesting article I found that has a brief history of 10 current illegal drugs...
Healthy Lifestyles 8 Health Hit 2
How tough is it to purchase illegal drugs?
This story is scary, & just shows you that drug dealers are resourceful & willing to say or do anything to make money!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Healthy Lifestyles 8 Health Hit 1
Our first unit of the trimester is illegal drugs. Here are some basic tidbits of information concerning illegal drugs...
Depressants - substances that slow down the processes of the body
Hallucinogens - substances that distort the sounds & images around you
Drugs are divided into 3 main categories:
Stimulants - substances that speed up the processes of the bodyDepressants - substances that slow down the processes of the body
Hallucinogens - substances that distort the sounds & images around you
Examples of drugs & the category they belong to:
Stimulants - Cocaine, Caffeine, Tobacco, Methamphetamine
Depressants - Alcohol, Heroin, Codeine, Oxycontin
Hallucinogens - PCP, LSD, Marijuana, Ecstasy
Question of the week:
This term means "to induce sleep". Many people often use it to describe illegal drug use, without paying attention to the type of drug being used. What is the name of the term?
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Safety & Emergencies Pamphlet
This is the final assignment of the school year for health 6!
We are going to create our very own safety & emergencies pamphlet. The pamphlet can contain any information that will help to prevent injury, or to properly deal with an emergency if you are confronted with one.
There are a number of good websites to check out for information, the best of which is the American Red Cross Preparedness Fast Facts page:
We are going to create our very own safety & emergencies pamphlet. The pamphlet can contain any information that will help to prevent injury, or to properly deal with an emergency if you are confronted with one.
There are a number of good websites to check out for information, the best of which is the American Red Cross Preparedness Fast Facts page:
Thursday, May 12, 2011
5 Areas of Fitness Assignment
The 6th grade health classes are putting together individual plans to improve their fitness. They are to create a document that shows the following...
1. All 5 areas of fitness (muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition, & cardiovascular endurance).
2. A picture showing someone in action for each area of fitness.
3. A brief plan for each area
1. All 5 areas of fitness (muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition, & cardiovascular endurance).
2. A picture showing someone in action for each area of fitness.
3. A brief plan for each area
Friday, April 15, 2011
Basketball Golf?
The sixth grade Phy. Ed. classes spent the day participating in Mr. R's basketball golf activity. The 18 shots are a combination of traditional shots (free throw) to crazy shots (sit on a ball shot). Here are a few action shots...
Angelica Ventura attempting the chair shot
Hunter Petron, Dylan DesLauriers, & Kaylen Boeddeker doing the "bounce" shot
Kaylee Field with the "backwards" shot from the block
Luke Patzner is able to hit the "granny" shot from the free throw line
Brayden Hannegrefs & Jake Wagner trying their best to hit a "sit on the ball" shot
Emili Cain & Abby Scribner measuring the "behind the basket" shot
Taylor Elliot is about the drop kick the ball through the hoop... or not!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Big Week for Mr. R!
The time has come once again for the varsity baseball season to begin. It looks like our first Rocket baseball game is this Thursday.
One of my former players (Tyler Maher) sent me this cool youtube video. It sure makes me get fired up to start up the season!
One of my former players (Tyler Maher) sent me this cool youtube video. It sure makes me get fired up to start up the season!
Question of the week: What is the name of the profession where the duty of the individual is to solve difficult disease questions? (not a doctor or nurse) Here is a hint... It starts with an "E"
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Badminton Champs Are Crowned!
The badminton tournament is over, here are your champions...
1st Hour
Marina Chitpasong & Dylan "3D" DesLauriers
2nd Hour
Chance Behne & Alyssa Monette
Hour 3
Brianna Westrup & Thomas Hopkins
4th Hour
Simone London & Jacob Hall
Monday, March 21, 2011
Badminton Week!
This is truly a crazy week in our school, especially for Mr. R. Here is the rundown...
Arts & Academic showcase night is Tuesday. Be sure to check out the health education display across from the district office
The baseball program begins practice this week, so Mr. R. has his hands full with that one!
Spring break is next week, so focus can be a challenge this week!
Finally, Mr. R's wife has 3 tests this week in her college classes, so guess who gets to hang out with dad a whole bunch...

Arts & Academic showcase night is Tuesday. Be sure to check out the health education display across from the district office
The baseball program begins practice this week, so Mr. R. has his hands full with that one!
Spring break is next week, so focus can be a challenge this week!
Finally, Mr. R's wife has 3 tests this week in her college classes, so guess who gets to hang out with dad a whole bunch...
Here she is, Rockee & her make a pretty cool team!
By the way, the 6th grade classes are participating in a three day badminton tournament this week. Badminton is a very popular global activity, here are a few action shots I found via google images...

And of course, I need to include the Vitamin Water commercial with Brian Urlacher & Big Papi!
We are concluding on unit on personal health this week, so be sure to hand in all study guides by Friday if possible!
The computer assignment this week (on Friday) will be on goal setting, so be ready to share 2 long-term & 4 corresponding short-term goals.
Health Question of the Week...
According to Lance Armstrong's website "", what are the three most common mental health disorders?
Friday, March 18, 2011
Mushball Tourney Champs Are Crowned!
1st Hour Champs: RaeLynn Stangel & Dylan "3D" DesLauriers
2nd Hour Champs: Mick Davison & Trystin Gruber
3rd Hour Champs: Michalie Zilmer & Tana Cano
4th Hour Champs: Jake Schumacher & Brooklyn Sanderson
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Mushball Week!
Phy. Ed. students are participating in a mushball tournament this week. Mushball is a hybrid game that I used to play as a high school student. The game is a combination of ping-pong, badminton, & tennis. Here are some action shots of mushball...
Dylan "Captain Chaos" Stetter & Mr. Peterson make a pretty tough team!
Tournament partners Max & Brooklyn practice between matches.
Bennie takes on two players every game!
Kasey & Nick plotting strategy in their match
CJ & Caitlin watch a ball land in between them.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
What motivates you?
There are many different theories about the topic of motivation. I remember a professor from college that stated to our class "Nobody can motivate you, but a seed can be planted that pushes you to do great things." I believe that motivation is all about having confidence in yourself, & a belief that you can respond to an external challenge.
Here are some things in my life that act as motivators for me...
Question of the week:
Who is the head of the Minnesota Department of Health? & What is the address of the headquarters?
Here are some things in my life that act as motivators for me...
My Dad & especially my Mom pushed me very hard to do well in school.
My Wife motivates me to work hard every day, & to be a good husband.
My little girl Maiya motivates me to take care of myself & to live healthy.
My current & former baseball players motivate me to be the best coach I can be.
What motivates you?
Question of the week:
Who is the head of the Minnesota Department of Health? & What is the address of the headquarters?
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Health Tips Assignment Details
Here are the details concerning the upcoming health tips assignment on Friday the 25th...
1. This is a partner assignment, & will be worth 50 points
2. This is a powerpoint assignment, with each slide worth 10 points. The slides are as follows:
I. An introduction slide with a picture of the magazine or journal the article is taken from. It doesn't have to be the exact month the article was published.
II. A slide with all of the tips listed in the article
III. A slide with the tips you agree with (& reasons why)
IV. A slide with the tips you disagree with, or feel are not very strong
V. A slide with two tips of your own that you feel would fit the article well
3. You will be asked to locate a health-related article that offers tips to the reader. Most students use diet/weight loss as a subject, but there are many other good topics such as stress relief, bullying, substance abuse, disease, or safety to choose from.
4. The article must be taken from an online journal or a magazine (article can be clipped out, but student must still create a powerpoint. Many magazines have online sources that provide these articles, a few of them include...
Reader's Digest
Good Housekeeping
Men's Health
Women's Health
Natural Health
Whole Living
Teen Vogue
Men's Fitness
The powerpoints can be turned in a number of ways...
* place them into the homework dropbox at my website:
* send them to me as a google doc at my personal e-mail address:
* place the powerpoint onto a flash drive, & hand it in
Here is an example of the assignment:
1. This is a partner assignment, & will be worth 50 points
2. This is a powerpoint assignment, with each slide worth 10 points. The slides are as follows:
I. An introduction slide with a picture of the magazine or journal the article is taken from. It doesn't have to be the exact month the article was published.
II. A slide with all of the tips listed in the article
III. A slide with the tips you agree with (& reasons why)
IV. A slide with the tips you disagree with, or feel are not very strong
V. A slide with two tips of your own that you feel would fit the article well
3. You will be asked to locate a health-related article that offers tips to the reader. Most students use diet/weight loss as a subject, but there are many other good topics such as stress relief, bullying, substance abuse, disease, or safety to choose from.
4. The article must be taken from an online journal or a magazine (article can be clipped out, but student must still create a powerpoint. Many magazines have online sources that provide these articles, a few of them include...
Reader's Digest
Good Housekeeping
Men's Health
Women's Health
Natural Health
Whole Living
Teen Vogue
Men's Fitness
The powerpoints can be turned in a number of ways...
* place them into the homework dropbox at my website:
* send them to me as a google doc at my personal e-mail address:
* place the powerpoint onto a flash drive, & hand it in
Here is an example of the assignment:
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Schedule for the remainder of 8th grade health & phy. ed.
We are closing in on the end of the trimester, so here is a daily schedule of what is happening in health & phy. ed. class...
Tuesday, Feb. 22: work day to get all missing assignments turned in, or handed out
Wednesday, Feb. 23: Phy ed. - fitness testing re-do's
Thursday, Feb. 24: Phy ed. - 4 corner soccer
Friday, Feb. 25: EMAC lab, we will be starting our health tips assignment powerpoints
Monday, Feb. 28: EMAC lab, we will be finishing our health tips assignment powerpoints
Tuesday, Mar. 1: Health final in room 11
Wednesday, Mar. 2: Phy ed. - line soccer
Thursday, Mar. 3: Phy ed. - turning in locks & open gym
Tuesday, Feb. 22: work day to get all missing assignments turned in, or handed out
Wednesday, Feb. 23: Phy ed. - fitness testing re-do's
Thursday, Feb. 24: Phy ed. - 4 corner soccer
Friday, Feb. 25: EMAC lab, we will be starting our health tips assignment powerpoints
Monday, Feb. 28: EMAC lab, we will be finishing our health tips assignment powerpoints
Tuesday, Mar. 1: Health final in room 11
Wednesday, Mar. 2: Phy ed. - line soccer
Thursday, Mar. 3: Phy ed. - turning in locks & open gym
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Team Handball Champs Are Crowned!
The team handball tourney is completed, & here is the list of champions...
Hour 1: "Blue Sharks" Tala Miller, Cado Cano,
Brady Zempel, Sami DesLauriers, Adam Gerard, Sara Moser
Hour 2: "Purple Cobras" Alex Byers, Anna Balsimo,
Giovanni Garcia, Jake Clouse, Nick Ehrich, Brittney Miller, Nico VanDanacker
Hour 3: "Red Dragons" Brianna Calder, Nick Sieg,
Drew Hafften, Cody Giese, Lauren Howe, Josh DeRoo
Hour 5: "Purple Cobras" Lily Stecker, Austin Hubbs,
Samantha Bagaason, Carolyn Carlson, Phil Evenson, Elizabeth McMillen, Mike Cagle
I found a few cool action shots of team handball to give you an idea of how crazy this olympic sport can get...
Here is the link to the Minnesota team handball blog site:
Hour 1: "Blue Sharks" Tala Miller, Cado Cano,
Brady Zempel, Sami DesLauriers, Adam Gerard, Sara Moser
Hour 2: "Purple Cobras" Alex Byers, Anna Balsimo,
Giovanni Garcia, Jake Clouse, Nick Ehrich, Brittney Miller, Nico VanDanacker
Hour 3: "Red Dragons" Brianna Calder, Nick Sieg,
Drew Hafften, Cody Giese, Lauren Howe, Josh DeRoo
Hour 5: "Purple Cobras" Lily Stecker, Austin Hubbs,
Samantha Bagaason, Carolyn Carlson, Phil Evenson, Elizabeth McMillen, Mike Cagle
I found a few cool action shots of team handball to give you an idea of how crazy this olympic sport can get...
Here is the link to the Minnesota team handball blog site:
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Cool Snowshoe Running Article
This article was in today's Minneapolis Star Tribune. I can't believe it, this guy is dressed like it is the middle of summer!
Here is the link:
Here is the link:
I wonder if Ben could keep up with the snow shoe runner?
Monday, February 14, 2011
Calorie Burning 101
This week our computer assignment for health class is focused on the topic of calorie burning. Last Friday, we spent a portion of our school day cross-country skiing & snow shoeing. There are very few activities that provide a better opportunity to burn calories than what we did last week.
Go to my website:
to view the worksheet, & use the homework dropbox to hand in your answers. Remember to use microsoft word, or I may need you to submit a printed version of your answers.
Go to my website:
to view the worksheet, & use the homework dropbox to hand in your answers. Remember to use microsoft word, or I may need you to submit a printed version of your answers.
This Week In Health & Phy. Ed.
Here is the plan for the week of February 14 to 18...
Monday: Final fitness test
Tuesday: 102 lab assignment "calorie burning 101"
Wednesday: Handball Tourney
Thursday: Handball Tourney
Friday: Project 4 Teens
Health Question of the week: What is the procedure called when a female egg is fertilized outside of the body, & what are the odds of this producing multiple babies?
Monday: Final fitness test
Tuesday: 102 lab assignment "calorie burning 101"
Wednesday: Handball Tourney
Thursday: Handball Tourney
Friday: Project 4 Teens
Friday, February 11, 2011
Cross-country Skiing Rules!
Today was our phy. ed. trip to Baker Park Reserve to go cross-country skiing & snow shoeing. The 8th graders had a great time, & I am exhausted from all of the exercise! Here are a few snapshots of our adventure.
Baker Park is very scenic. Here are three deer that are just to the south of our path on the "Island Course" I wanted to zoom in the picture, but they were moving fast!
Mrs. Nelson & her group from the morning session
Marie Jakubowski (not sitting in the snow) & Maddi Bartlett (oops, I fell!)
Brianna Graner & a few of her friends enjoying a hot chocolate after skiing & snow shoeing in the morning session
This is a picture of my group heading out in the afternoon session. This gang did an awesome job, & even had time to finish the "Island Course" Pictured are Daina Strub, Elizabeth McMillen, Sam Schuneman, Kane Vogel, Heather Olsen, & Jake Muhonen
Justin Stoffers & Tabby Kaufhold are about to go down the first hill of the "Fairway Course". You can see Victoria Smith & another group member have already wiped out. This group has been on skis for approximately five minutes as of this shot.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Wow! I am starting a blog
This is my first attempt at blogging, so hopefully I can keep up with it!
This blog is designed to help students & parents keep up with what we do at RMS during Health & Phy. Ed. class. I plan on posting the health "question of the week", as well as other helpful items to make the experience with me as a teacher that much better!
As for this week, we are beginning a unit covering abstinence & risk behavior. Kathy Brown & Project 4 Teens will be spending two days with the health class, & we will be working on a study guide & computer assignment in the other two class days.
Phy. Ed. is coming to the end of the President's Challenge physical fitness testing, & we will also be taking a trip to Baker National Golf Course on Friday to go cross-country skiing & snow shoeing!
This blog is designed to help students & parents keep up with what we do at RMS during Health & Phy. Ed. class. I plan on posting the health "question of the week", as well as other helpful items to make the experience with me as a teacher that much better!
As for this week, we are beginning a unit covering abstinence & risk behavior. Kathy Brown & Project 4 Teens will be spending two days with the health class, & we will be working on a study guide & computer assignment in the other two class days.
Phy. Ed. is coming to the end of the President's Challenge physical fitness testing, & we will also be taking a trip to Baker National Golf Course on Friday to go cross-country skiing & snow shoeing!
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